Event Series CPWM


Cumberland Presbyterian Women's Ministry (CPWM)  Join other women of Brush Hill as we discuss ministry projects and events, and enjoy some snacks and fellowship in the process! We meet every first Tuesday of the month.

Event Series First Wednesday Dinner

First Wednesday Dinner

Brush Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church 3705 Brush Hill Road, Nashville, TN, United States

Bring a dish to share and enjoy a night of great food, fellowship, and fun. Join us at 6:30 in the fellowship hall for a wonderful night together!

Girl Scouts

Brush Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church 3705 Brush Hill Road, Nashville, TN, United States

The Girl Scouts will be using the fellowship hall.

November Ramblers Trip

Brush Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church 3705 Brush Hill Road, Nashville, TN, United States

The Ramblers will be taking a trip to the public library and then dining at Monell's.