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Rev. Paul Tucker - January 28, 2024

Body Talk: Naked and Unashamed

Some of the earliest words about our state of being in the Scriptures are that we were created “naked and unashamed”. We were created to be open and welcome about who we are and without fear of having anything to hide. But somewhere all the way nakedness turns into fearful exposure and bein unashamed turns quickly into feeling devastating shame with about who we are. This doesn’t have to be the way our lives stay, however, and Jesus is the one who helps us return to our garden state.

Scripture References: Psalms 139:1-24

From Series: "Body Talk"

Our bodies are a source of joy, struggle, and everything in between. How we use and care for our bodies in terms of our health and our sex and sexuality reveals much about what we believe about ourselves. Can our bodies despite our struggles with image, health, sex and sexuality actually reveal something of the goodness and glory of God our Creator?

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